Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MA 4.8 : In Progress

 Today I started by doing some editing of the blog page and if you look under the Maalan Aarum post you will see I have added a few links to the finished product of those stanza's as Myron has suggested.  I also did some research into the Drottkvaett format itself and started the deciphering of Stanza 4.8 of which I have all most half of as some of the words are from previous decipherments.

8. After Beautiful Head, White Owl was chief at Spruce Pine land.
8. Wtenkolawil shinaking sakimanep wapagokhos.

This is Stanza 4.8 and I am currently working on the WTEN part of WTENKOLAWIL.  Although this word has so far eluded me.  I have made it through half of the volumes already and have even checked the other possible outcomes of the word to "kill two birds with one stone".  For example the letter W can also be R-Y-M-N; I also went further and looked at the next consonant as well due to the fact that WTEN seems abnormal.  The T groupings are B-D-G-K-P.  This is why I have only gotten through half as I am checking for all the variations of WTEN based on the letter consonant groupings.

On a side note I will be away next week and will most likely not be able to do any decipherments or posts.

1 comment:

  1. Craig:

    Good Progress.

    I suggest that we make two types of posts.

    One set should be used for communication as we have been doing.

    The second set should be used to show the deciphering details and progress.

    We should use those posts to display the details of our deciphering so viewers can vet the deciphering detaila and to stay up to date with the process.

    These posts should have titles of Maalan Aarum Stanzas, MA 4.1, MA 4.2, … MA 4.8 etc.

    So, I suggest that you make a another post entitled MA 4,8.

    Copy from this post (in the edit mode):

    (Pictograph of MA 4.8)

    8. After Beautiful Head, White Owl was chief at Spruce Pine land.
    8. Wtenkolawil shinaking sakimanep wapagokhos.

    Paste the copied clip into the Ma 4.8 post via the edit mode:

    Then delete the "8." texts.

    Center the two lines.

    Change the recorded sounds to "Larger size" via the "T t" button.

    The result should be look like this in a post entitled MA 4.8:

    (Pictograph of MA 4.8)

    After Beautiful Head, White Owl was chief at Spruce Pine land. (Centered)
    Wtenkolawil shinaking sakimanep wapagokhos. (Centered and Larger.)
